2013-04 | From smart specialisation to smart
experimentation: Towards a new theoretical framework for EU regional policy Maximilian Benner Published in: Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftsgeographie 58(1) |
2013-03 | Endogenous Growth in the Development
Context: Assessing the Nucleus Approach in the Bangladeshi Tannery Sector Regina Lenz |
2013-02 | Knowledge, networks and space:
connectivity and the problem of non-interactive learning Johannes Glückler Published in: Regional Studies 47(6) |
2013-01 | Learning in "Organized Anarchies": The Nature of Technological Search Processes
at Trade Fairs Harald Bathelt and Rachael Gibson Published in: Regional Studies 47 |
Harald Bathelt,
Johannes Glückler,
Sebastian Henn
Managing Editor:
Sebastian Henn
Heiner Depner
ISSN: 1612-8974
The authors
maintain full
copyright of the
academic works.
Harald Bathelt,
Johannes Glückler,
Sebastian Henn
Managing Editor:
Sebastian Henn
Heiner Depner
ISSN: 1612-8974
The authors
maintain full
copyright of the
academic works.