2004-05 | The Firm as a Connected, Temporary Coalition Michael J. Taylor |
2004-04 | Temporary Clusters and Knowledge Creation: The Effects of International Trade Fairs, Conventions and Other Professional Gatherings Peter Maskell, Harald Bathelt and Anders Malmberg |
2004-03 | Projektorganisation in der Frankfurter Werbeindustrie Caroline Jentsch |
2004-02 | Globale Netzwerke und lokale Partner: Deutsche Automobilzulieferer und der Wachstumsmarkt China Heiner Depner und Ulrich Dewald |
Harald Bathelt,
Johannes Glückler,
Sebastian Henn
Managing Editor:
Sebastian Henn
Heiner Depner
ISSN: 1612-8974
The authors
maintain full
copyright of the
academic works.
Harald Bathelt,
Johannes Glückler,
Sebastian Henn
Managing Editor:
Sebastian Henn
Heiner Depner
ISSN: 1612-8974
The authors
maintain full
copyright of the
academic works.