SPACES aims to present conceptual frameworks and empirical studies on
economic action in spatial perspective to a wider audience. The interest is to
provide a forum for discussion and debate in relational economic geography.

Harald Bathelt,
Johannes Glückler,
Sebastian Henn

Managing Editor:
Sebastian Henn

Heiner Depner

ISSN: 1612-8974

The authors
maintain full
copyright of the
academic works.
SPACES online
2023-01 Striking a Critical Balance: An Institutional Analysis of Knowledge Production in the J-pop and K-pop Idol Industries in Tokyo and Seoul
Ingrid Wong
2022-02 Innovation, scaling-up, and local development in peripheral regions: Do establishments scale-up locally?
Richard Shearmur and David Doloreux
2022-01 From Liability to Opportunity: Reconceptualizing the Role of Periphery in Innovation
Johannes Glückler, Richard Shearmur and Kirsten Martinus
2020-01 Emerging National Artificial Intelligence Innovation Systems in Canada and China: Strategic Governance and Institutional Evolution
R Blair Frost
2019-01 Theorizing Temporary Proximity, Temporary Clusters and Temporary Markets
Harald Bathelt
2018-02Outward Foreign-Direct Investments as a Catalyst of Urban-Regional Income Development? Evidence from the United States
Harald Bathelt and Max Buchholz
2018-01Organizations, Institutions and Networks in Local Scenes: An Analysis of the Growth of San Francisco Bay Area Punk Rock
Max Buchholz
2016-02Globalization and Institutional Change in Italian Industrial Districts
Harald Bathelt, Nicolas Conserva
2016-01Regional Inequalities in the Commodity of Trust: The Case of Two Industrial Districts in the Italian Footwear Industry
Donato Rosati
2014-03Trade Show Events, from Live to Digital: Towards the Development of New Competencies
Francesca Golfetto, Diego Rinallo
2014-02Using Anthropological Methods to Study Industrial Marketing and Purchasing: An Exploration of Professional Trade Shows
Stefania Borghini, Francesca Golfetto, Diego Rinallo
2014-01Identifying Worlds of Wine Production: A Quantitative Approach
Sánchez-Hernández, José Luis; Ruiz-Budría, Enrique; Ramírez-García, Susana; Aparicio-Amador, Javier; Climent-López, Eugenio and del Canto-Fresno, Consuelo
2013-04From smart specialisation to smart experimentation: Towards a new theoretical framework for EU regional policy
Maximilian Benner
Published in: Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftsgeographie 58(1)
2013-03Endogenous Growth in the Development Context: Assessing the Nucleus Approach in the Bangladeshi Tannery Sector
Regina Lenz
2013-02Knowledge, networks and space: connectivity and the problem of non-interactive learning
Johannes Glückler
Published in: Regional Studies 47(6)
2013-01Learning in "Organized Anarchies": The Nature of Technological Search Processes at Trade Fairs
Harald Bathelt and Rachael Gibson
Published in: Regional Studies 47
2012-01Cluster Policy: Principles and a Toolbox
Maximilian Benner
2011-02A relational-evolutionary perspective of cluster dynamics
Peng-Fei Li and Harald Bathelt
2011-01Horizontal vs. vertical learning: Divergence and diversification of lead firms in the Hangji toothbrush cluster, China
Peng-Fei Li
2010-06The creation and diffusion of controversial innovations at the organizational periphery
Johannes Glückler
2010-05Innovation linkages in new and old economy sectors in Cambridge-Guelph-Kitchener-Waterloo (Ontario)
Harald Bathelt and Andrew K. Munro
2010-04Understanding the dynamics of specialization and diffusion processes across capitalist varieties: A conceptual intervention regarding the role of international trade fairs
Rachael Gibson and Harald Bathelt
2010-03When borders seem irrelevant: Global finance and the limits of capitalist variety
Adam D. Dixon
2010-02Global flows, local encounters: Spatializing tacit aesthetic knowledge in high fashion
Joanne Entwistle
2009-04What do we know about clusters? In search of effective cluster policies
Maximilian Benner
2009-03Against the new economy? The changing social and spatial divisions of labor in the larger Shanghai chemical industry
Harald Bathelt und Gang Zeng
2009-02Temporary geographical proximity for business and work coordination: when, how and where?
Alain Rallet und André Torre
2009-01Human nature, the environment, and behaviour: explaining the scope and geographical scale of fi nancial decision-making
Gordon L. Clark
2008-05Die Wissensarchitektur der deutschen Hochschulgeographie: Ein Blick hinter den Organisationsplan einer Disziplin
Johannes Glückler und Pascal Goeke
2008-04Temporary face-to-face contact and the ecologies of global and virtual buzz
Harald Bathelt and Nina Schuldt
2008-03Islands of expertise - global knowledge transfer in a technology service firm
Johannes Glückler
2008-02Globale Netzwerke und regionale Einbettung: Das Fallbeispiel der Behringwerke Marburg
Marc Sandmüller
2008-01The evolution of a strategic alliance network - Exploring German stock photography
Johannes Glückler
2006-02Clusterpolitik als Instrument der Regionalentwicklung am Beispiel des Bergischen Städtedreiecks
Ulrich Dewald
2006-01Internal and External Dynamics of the Munich Film and TV Industry Cluster and the International Entertainment Sector
Harald Bathelt and Armin Graef
2005-08München in der Krise? Projektorganisation und Wachstumsprobleme in der Film- und Fernsehproduktion - eine mehrdimensionale Clusteranalyse
Armin Graef
2005-07Verflechtungen zwischen Biotechnologie-Unternehmen und Hochschulen in der Rhein-Main-Region
Frank Beyer
2005-06Between Luminaries and Meat Grinders: International Trade Fairs as Temporary Clusters
Harald Bathelt and Nina Schuldt
2005-05European Urban Development and Knowledge Intensive Services: Too Many Unanswered Questions
Peter Wood
2005-04Tangled Webs: Transnational Production Networks and Regional Integration
Peter Dicken
2004-05The Firm as a Connected, Temporary Coalition
Michael J. Taylor
2004-04Temporary Clusters and Knowledge Creation: The Effects of International Trade Fairs, Conventions and Other Professional Gatherings
Peter Maskell, Harald Bathelt and Anders Malmberg
2004-03Projektorganisation in der Frankfurter Werbeindustrie
Caroline Jentsch
2004-02Globale Netzwerke und lokale Partner: Deutsche Automobilzulieferer und der Wachstumsmarkt China
Heiner Depner und Ulrich Dewald
2003-12Regional Innovation Systems and the Globalising World Economy
Bjørn T. Asheim und Sverre J. Herstad
2003-09Cluster Growth and Institutional Barriers: The Development of the Automobile Industry Cluster in Shanghai, P.R. China
Heiner Depner and Harald Bathelt
2003-05FX Risk in Time and Space: Managing Dispersed Knowledge in Global Finance
Gordon L. Clark and Nigel Thrift